Resource Monitoring Notification

While metrics represent the data in your system, monitoring is the process of collecting, aggregating, and analyzing those values to improve awareness of your components' characteristics and behavior. The data from various parts of your environment are collected into a monitoring system that is responsible for storage, aggregation, visualization, and initiating automated responses when the values meet specific requirements.

In general, the difference between metrics and monitoring mirrors the difference between data and information. Data is composed of raw, unprocessed facts, while information is produced by analyzing and organizing data to build context that provides value. Monitoring takes metrics data, aggregates it, and presents it in various ways that allow humans to extract insights from the collection of individual pieces.

Monitoring systems fulfill many related functions. Their first responsibility is to accept and store incoming and historical data. While values representing the current point in time are useful, it is almost always more helpful to view those numbers in relation to past values to provide context around changes and trends. This means that a monitoring system should be capable of managing data over periods of time, which may involve sampling or aggregating older data.

Secondly, monitoring systems typically provide visualizations of data. While metrics can be displayed and understood as individual values or tables, humans are much better at recognizing trends and understanding how components fit together when information is organized in a visually meaningful way. Monitoring systems usually represent the components they measure with configurable graphs and dashboards. This makes it possible to understand the interaction of complex variables or changes within a system by glancing at a display.

An additional function that monitoring systems provide is organizing and correlating data from various inputs. For the metrics to be useful, administrators need to be able to recognize patterns between different resources and across groups of servers. For example, if an application experiences a spike in error rates, an administrator should be able to use the monitoring system to discover if that event coincides with the capacity exhaustion of a related resource.

While monitoring systems are incredibly useful for active interpretation and investigation, one of the primary benefits of a complete monitoring system is letting administrators disengage from the system. Alerts allow you to define situations that make sense to actively manage while relying on the passive monitoring of the software to watch for changing conditions.

Notifying responsible parties are the most common action for alerting, some programmatic responses can be triggered based on threshold violations as well. For instance, an alert that indicates that you need more CPU to process the current load can be responded to with a script that auto-scales that layer of your application. While this isn't strictly an alert since it doesn't result in a notification, the same monitoring system mechanism can often be used to kick off these processes as well.

However, the main purpose of alerting is still to bring human attention to bear on the current status of your systems. Automating responses is an important mechanism for ensuring that notifications are only triggered for situations that require consideration from a knowledgeable human being. The alert itself should contain information about what is wrong and where to go to find additional information. The individual responding to the alert can then use the monitoring system and associated tooling like log files to investigate the cause of the problem and implementing a mitigation strategy.

We provide resource Monitoring on various components which are as follows-:

1 -: Server Load Average
2 -: Used and Free RAM
3 -: Disk Space
4 -: Inode Space

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